Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Fair Warning

I feel the need to warn people. The stumbleupon I use to find tutorials and craft ideas, here, does not distinguish. It's tutorials, ideas, images, items for sale, and all other kinds of randomness put together. As of right now, I'm not distinguishing. I will go back later and do that for you because I know how annoying that is.
But FAIR WARNING: As of right now, they are not labeled as tutorials or as ideas.
HOWEVER, if you pay attention to the crafting blog, you'll notice when the ideas pop up over there. I'm either rewriting the tutorial as I do it myself, or I'm making a tutorial modeled off of something I saw.
I noticed this as I was adding the links, so I figured I'd warn you so you didn't get your hopes up too much. Comment on either the crafting or the findings blog if you want to see a specific craft. Or take the poll if there's one in there that you really like. :]

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